Smoky Cathedral Quartz, 509g, New Find, Root Chakra Crystal for Grounding & Protection, Minas Gerais, Brazil W422
Elestial Citrine Quartz, Choose ONE of Eight Natural Citrine Crystals from Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil R724
Himalayan Cathedral Quartz with Green Chlorite, 211g, Water Clear, High Altitude Crystal for Heart Healing, India R332
Smoky Quartz with Dark Blue Tourmaline Inclusions, 409g, New Find, São Jose do Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil W060
Amethyst Flower Quartz with Radial Crystalline Growth, 176g, "Horn of Plenty" Formation, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil W815
Indicolite Blue Tourmaline Quartz, Feldspar & Mild Citrine Inclusion, 161g, Old Find, Throat Chakra, Minas Gerais, Brazil S442
Elestial Citrine, Etched Textures & Golden Hue, 60g, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil S441
BG3 Citrine from Ouro Fino, 63g, New Find, Adaptogenic Energy Balancing Citrine with Pink Feldspar Inclusion, Brazil S440
Smoky Elestial Quartz, Jacare Crystal in Shield Formation, 149g, New Find, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil R924
Indicolite Quartz with Dark Blue Tourmaline Inclusion, 124g, New Find, Throat Chakra, São José do Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil X308
Elestial Quartz, Plate Formation, 542g, Fully Terminated, Crystal for Connection to Source, Minas Gerais, Brazil X306
Diamantina Laser Quartz with Exquisite Etched Surfaces, 283g, New Find, Energetic Clearing, Minas Gerais, Brazil X304
Jenipapo Cathedral Quartz, Old Find, 100g, Highest Quality, Water Clear Lightbrary Quartz, Minas Gerais, Brazil S438
Unique Tantric Twin Red Hematite Cathedral Quartz, 363g, Water Clear with Frosted Self-Healed Terminations, Minas Gerais, Brazil X297
Jenipapo Cathedral Quartz, Old Find, 66g, Highest Quality, Water Clear Lightbrary Quartz, Minas Gerais, Brazil S437
Golden Healer Himalayan Lemurian Cluster, 593g, New Find, High Altitude Golden Samadhi Quartz, Crown Chakra, Himal Pradesh, India X290
Smoky Elestial Quartz with Golden Mica Inclusions, Self-Standing, Galactic Key Formation, 2 Kilo, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil W414
Dumortierite Quartz Cluster, 36g, New Find, Third Eye Chakra and Throat Chakra, Enhance Lucid Dreaming, Bahia, Brazil R916
Dumortierite Quartz Cluster, 137g, New Find, Third Eye Chakra and Throat Chakra, Enhance Lucid Dreaming, Bahia, Brazil W645
Amethyst Flower Quartz with Green Celadonite Inclusion, Self-Standing, 336g, New Find, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil W814