Lemurian Quartz Wholesale Lot, 45 Pieces (463g) of Hand Selected Lemurian Quartz Points from Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil WS184 Lemurian Quartz Wholesale Lot, 45 Pieces (463g) of Hand Selected Lemurian Quartz Points from Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil WS184 $90.00 Golden Rutile Smoky Quartz Mixed Wholesale Lot, 19 Pieces (1.3 Kilo) of Hand Selected Quartz with Hematite and Golden Rutile, Brazil WS183 Golden Rutile Smoky Quartz Mixed Wholesale Lot, 19 Pieces (1.3 Kilo) of Hand Selected Quartz with Hematite and Golden Rutile, Brazil WS183 $150.00 Mango Quartz with Yellow Orange Halloysite Inclusion, Tantric Twin, Crown Chakra Crystal, Highest Quality, Quipama, Boyaca, Colombia M218 Mango Quartz with Yellow Orange Halloysite Inclusion, Tantric Twin, Crown Chakra Crystal, Highest Quality, Quipama, Boyaca, Colombia M218 $48.00 Mango Quartz with Yellow Orange Halloysite Inclusion, Crown Chakra Crystal, Highest Quality, Quipama, Boyaca, Colombia M217 Mango Quartz with Yellow Orange Halloysite Inclusion, Crown Chakra Crystal, Highest Quality, Quipama, Boyaca, Colombia M217 $45.00 Starbrary Quartz Wholesale Lot, 50 Pieces (1 Kilogram) of Hand-Selected Water Clear Quartz with Extraterrestrial Star Markings, Brazil WS182 Starbrary Quartz Wholesale Lot, 50 Pieces (1 Kilogram) of Hand-Selected Water Clear Quartz with Extraterrestrial Star Markings, Brazil WS182 $150.00 Himalayan Cathedral Quartz with Frosted Green Chlorite Inclusion, 151g, Self-Standing, High Altitude Quartz, Heart Healer, India W495 Himalayan Cathedral Quartz with Frosted Green Chlorite Inclusion, 151g, Self-Standing, High Altitude Quartz, Heart Healer, India W495 $44.00 Elestial Smoky Quartz with Brilliant Luster and Naturally Etched Textures, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil X879 Elestial Smoky Quartz with Brilliant Luster and Naturally Etched Textures, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil X879 $150.00 Golden Healer Lemurian Quartz with Angel Hair Rutile Inclusions, New Rare Find, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil P130 Golden Healer Lemurian Quartz with Angel Hair Rutile Inclusions, New Rare Find, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil P130 $40.00 Smoky Quartz with Unique Textures, GIQ Growth Interference and Hydrothermal Etchings, Mother and Child, New Find, Inner Mongolia P127 Smoky Quartz with Unique Textures, GIQ Growth Interference and Hydrothermal Etchings, Mother and Child, New Find, Inner Mongolia P127 $30.00 Smoky Quartz with Unique Textures, GIQ Growth Interference and Hydrothermal Etchings, New Find, Inner Mongolia P126 Smoky Quartz with Unique Textures, GIQ Growth Interference and Hydrothermal Etchings, New Find, Inner Mongolia P126 $20.00 Blue Tourmaline Indicolite Quartz Cluster with Golden Mica from Jenipapo, 1.2 Kilo, Old Find, Throat Chakra, Bahia, Brazil W494 Blue Tourmaline Indicolite Quartz Cluster with Golden Mica from Jenipapo, 1.2 Kilo, Old Find, Throat Chakra, Bahia, Brazil W494 $1,111.11 Amethyst Dissolution Quartz with Rainbow and Hydrothermal Etchings, 69g, New Find, Spiritual Evolution, Pernambuco, Brazil R638 Amethyst Dissolution Quartz with Rainbow and Hydrothermal Etchings, 69g, New Find, Spiritual Evolution, Pernambuco, Brazil R638 $30.00 Frosted Lodolite Quartz Cluster with Colorful Garden Inclusions, 307g, New Find, Corinto, Minas Gerais, Brazil W493 Frosted Lodolite Quartz Cluster with Colorful Garden Inclusions, 307g, New Find, Corinto, Minas Gerais, Brazil W493 $72.00 Lustrous Elestial Quartz with Beautiful Rainbows and Smoky Highlights, 321g, New Find, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil X524 Lustrous Elestial Quartz with Beautiful Rainbows and Smoky Highlights, 321g, New Find, Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil X524 $64.00 $80.00 Cathedral Quartz with Red Magnesite Inclusion, 431g, New Find, Akashic Record, Gouveia, Minas Gerais, Brazil X522 Cathedral Quartz with Red Magnesite Inclusion, 431g, New Find, Akashic Record, Gouveia, Minas Gerais, Brazil X522 $100.00 $125.00 Self-Standing Smoky Quartz with Dark Green Chlorite, 134g, Grounding and Protection, Root Chakra, Gouveia, Minas Gerais, Brazil X521 Self-Standing Smoky Quartz with Dark Green Chlorite, 134g, Grounding and Protection, Root Chakra, Gouveia, Minas Gerais, Brazil X521 $24.00 $30.00 Running Sand Gobi Agate with Trapped Sand Inside, 80g, Desert Stone of Transformation, Naturally Formed by Wind and Sand, Mongolia R636 Running Sand Gobi Agate with Trapped Sand Inside, 80g, Desert Stone of Transformation, Naturally Formed by Wind and Sand, Mongolia R636 $165.00 Citrine Quartz Crystal with Beautiful Golden Hue, Isis Crystal (Divine Feminine), New Find, Solar Plexus Chakra, Minas Gerais, Brazil M212 Citrine Quartz Crystal with Beautiful Golden Hue, Isis Crystal (Divine Feminine), New Find, Solar Plexus Chakra, Minas Gerais, Brazil M212 $35.00 $70.00 Lemurian Isis Quartz with Time Link (Divination) and White Phantom Mist from La Belleza Mine, 101g, New Find, Santander, Colombia R634 Lemurian Isis Quartz with Time Link (Divination) and White Phantom Mist from La Belleza Mine, 101g, New Find, Santander, Colombia R634 $60.00 Golden Rutile and Black Metallic Hematite on Matrix, New Find, Conductor Amplifier Crystal, Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil P122 Golden Rutile and Black Metallic Hematite on Matrix, New Find, Conductor Amplifier Crystal, Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil P122 $48.00

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